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Drug Positive

Welcome to Drug Positive with DanceSafe founder Emanuel Sferios. We are the risk reduction and benefit enhancement podcast removing shame and stigma to save lives and end the drug war.

You can subscribe to our podcast on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher and other places on the interwebs.

Check out our Patreon Podcast too! New to podcasting? Click here.



Drug Positive Podcast: Frequently Asked Questions

How do I listen/subscribe?

You have two options: You can listen to a podcast through an audio player on a website, like the one we’ve made available here. Or, you can download the podcast — saving it on your phone, tablet, or computer — so you can listen to it anytime, even without an internet connection. You can also subscribe, which means the podcast will automatically download to your device every time a new episode is available. To subscribe to Drug Positive (for free!), follow the instructions below.

On your iPhone or iPad

Open the preloaded app called “Podcasts,” which has a purple icon. If you’re reading this on your phone, tap this link, which will take you to the app. (You can also click the magnifying glass icon in the app to search for “Drug Positive.”) Once you’re on the Drug Positive page, you can tap on the episode title to play it, and tap on the “subscribe” button to have new episodes sent to your phone free. If you prefer another podcast app, you can find Drug Positive on Stitcher or Spotify.

On your Android phone or tablet

You can listen and subscribe using Google Play. If you’re reading this on your phone, tap this link to play the latest episode and subscribe. If you prefer another podcast app, you can find Drug Positive on Stitcher or Spotify.

From a desktop or laptop

Click the “play” button on the audio player on this website.