Aug 4, 2018
Every week, millions of people around the world re-create themselves with MDMA. They might take the drug and go out dancing, or they might stay at home and have intimate conversations with their spouse, or with a small group of friends. But either way, everyone who uses MDMA makes a determination that the potential benefits outweigh the potential risks.
Are they right?
In this episode we spend an hour discussing the benefits of MDMA with Dr. Ben Sessa, child and adolescent psychiatrist with the Imperial College of London. Dr. Sessa is currently leading a study using MDMA to treat alcoholism. This is the first study of it’s kind, and we’ll hear some of the preliminary results.
We discuss not only the science of MDMA, but also new research in to psychedelics in general, that appear to show that they increase structural and functional neuroplasticity in the brain by actually growing new dendrites and creating new connections between neurons. We talk about microdosing LSD, whether children can benefit from MDMA therapy, the importance of post-psychedelic integration and how that may be missing if you do underground psychedelic therapy today.
We also talk drug war politics and whether MDMA therapy for veterans is simply patching them up so they can go back and fight more wars. We talk about psychonaut culture, it’s pros and cons, and the very real problem of sexual harassment within the psychedelic community.
The interview was filmed in our Oakland studio and is also available as a video on our YouTube channel, minus the introduction.
Edited by Emanuel Sferios
Sound engineered by Jimmy Martin
Opening music track by Frankum, creative commons.